No. 15. Junnar Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit.
1837 Sykes, JRAS IV, p. 289 f., No. 13, and Pl.; 1837 Prinsep, JBAS VI, p. 1046 f., No. 6, and Pl. LIII; 1854 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p, 162, No. 6, and Pl.; 1874 noticed by Burgess, Mem. Buddh. Cav. Junn. p. 4, No. 6, and Pl.; 1877 noticed by Burgess, IA VI, p. 35, No. 6, and Pl.; 1881 Bh. Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI p. 52, No. 26, and Pl.; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 95, No. 8.15, and Pl. XLIX; 1905 corr. by Senart, EI VIII, p. 75; Luders list No. 1175; |
Lu: - Gift of a cave (låía) to the community (saìgha) at Kapichita by Sivabhóti (Ùivabhóti), the son of the lay-worshipper (upàsaka) Sàmaäa (Ùyàmala). |
Sàmarupàsakasa putasa
Sivabhótisa deyadhama leíaì
Kapichite saìghasa niyutaì ka(?)
- The meritorious gift of a leía by Sivabhóti, the son of Sàmara (Ùyàmala), the
Upàsaka, dedicated to the Saìgha at Kapichita. (ASWI)
Kapichita is probably the old name of the monastic establishment in the Leíàdri Hill.