No. 19. Junnar Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit. Has the short middle line inserted in smaller letters.

1847 Bird, Hist. Res. p. 51, No. 3, and Pl. XLIX, 3; 1854 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 165; No. 12, and Pl.; 1874 noticed by Burgess, Mem. Buddh. Cav. Junn. p. 6, No. 9, and Plate; 1876 Kern, Ind. Stud. Vol. XIV. p. 394 f., No. 9; 1877 noticed by Burgess, IA VI, p. 36, No. 9, and Pl.; 1877 Kern, IA VI, p. 40, No. 9; 1881 Bh. Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI p. 49, No. 20, and Pl.; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 96, No. 8.19, and Plate L; Luders list No. 1169;
Lu: -Gift of a two-celled cave (bigabha) by the brothers Budhamita (Buddhamitra) and Budharakhita (Buddharakøita), the Laìkuäiyas, sons of Asasama (Aùvaùarman), the Bhàrukachhakas (inhabitants of Bharukachchha).


Bhàrukachhakànaì Laìkuäiyànaì bhàtóíam
Asasamasa putàía
Budhamitasa Budharakhitasa cha bigabhaì deyadhaìmaì [||]
A double-roomed house, a meritorious gift by the brothers Buddhamita and Buddharakhita, Lankuäiyas, sons of Asasama (Aùvaùarman), inhabitants of Bhàrukachha (Bharoch). (ASWI)