No. 24. Junnar Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit. Is in distinct letters on the left wall of the large recess over the door, on the same level with the arched window

1854 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 167 f., No. 21, and Pl.; 1881 Bh. Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI p. 45 f., No. 13, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 96, No. 8.24, and Pl. L; 1895 corr. by Pischel, Nachr. Goôtt. Ges. Wiss. Phil. Hist. Kl. 1895, p. 216; Luders list No. 1162;
Lu: - (Investment of the income of) a field at Vaäàlikà for planting Karaãja trees and of another field for planting banyan trees with the guild (såíi) at Koíàchika by the lay-worshipper (uvasaka) Àäuthuma, the Saka (Ùaka).


Koíàchike seíiya
uvasako Àäuthuma
Sako || Vaäàlikàyaì
Karajamula nivataíà
ni visa || Kaòaputake
vaäamule nivata-
By Àäuthuma the Ùaka, an Upàsaka, of the guild of the Koíàchikas (a gift of) 20 nivartanas in Vaäàlikà, near the Karanja tree, and in Kaòaputaka, 9 nivartanas near the banyan tree.  (ASWI)

It is doubtful if the first part of this translation is correct; neither Àäuthuma nor Koíàchika are known words. (ASWI)