No. 25 Junnar Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit. In close to No. 24, on the left of the arched window, and is cut on a rough surface. Many of the letters, especially in the lower lines, are very uncertain.

1854 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 167, Nos. 19 and 20, and Plate; 1856 corr. by Stevenson, JBBRAS V, p. 428; 1881 Bh. Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI p. 46 f., No. 14, and Pl.; 1883 Buôhler- Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 96 f., No. 8.25, and Pl. L; 1895 corr. by Pischel, Nachr. Goôtt. Ges. Wiss. Phil. Hist. Kl. 1895, p. 216; 1896 corr. by Franke, ZDMG  L, p. 595; Luders list No. 1163;
Lu: -In the village (gāma) of Mahāveja a field for the planting of Jambu trees entrusted to the holy assembly (? sidhagaía) of the Aparājitas; to the east of Mount Mānamukaäa another field for a plantation of palmyra trees; within the boundaries of the town (nagarasčman) a third field for Ųāla trees (?).


Mahāveje game Jābabhati
udeseía nivataíāni øaíuvisa
sidhagaíe Aparājite-
su satāni selasa
Mānamukaäasa purato
talakavāäake nivata-
íāni tiíi || nagarasa-
. . . ka . sela ude
seía nivataíani ve [||]
In the village of Mahāveja, in the direction of the Jābabhati (i.e., Jambu-plantation), twenty-six nivartana entrusted to the holy assembly (?) of the Aparājitas; in front of Mount Mānamukaäa three nivartanas. The town ...... towards the mountain . . . nivartanas.  (ASWI)

Mānamukaäa (Sans. Mānamukuōa, Crown of pride,) appears to be the old name of the Mānamoäa Hill, in which the cave is. (ASWI)
Sidhagaía, assembly of saints, may be a name of the assembly or schoo, of the Aparājitas. (ASWI)
Satāni corresponds with the Sanskrit saktāni, "entrusted." (ASWI)