No. 2. Junàgaäh (now State Printing Press, Junàgaäh) of the time of the grandson of the Køatrapa Jayadàman Jaina (?) stone inscription. Sanskrit.
1876 Buôhler, ASWI II, p. 140 f., and Plate XX; 1895 PSIK, p. 17, No.1, and Plate XV; 1908 note by Rapson, CCAD, etc. p. LXI, No. 40; Luders list No 966; R. Banerji and V. S. Sukthankar-EI, XVI, No. 17.III. |
Lu: - Records the erection of a ùatra by the brothers of the son of
Pranàthaka, the grandson of Khara, of the Mànasa gîtra. The inscription gives the
following pedigree: ràjan mahàkøatrapa bhadramukha svàmi-Chaøòana, his son ràjan
køatrapa svàmi-Jayadàman, his son ràjan mahàkøatrapa bha[dramukha]
svàmi-Rudradàman, his son ràjan mahàkøatrapa bhadramukha svàmi-Rudrasèha
(Rudrasiìha), his son ràjan mahàkøatrapa svàmi-Rudrasåna. There is some doubt about
the last figure of the date of the year, which may be 6. - ràjnî mahàkøa . . . . [ñChai]traùuklapakøasya divaså paãchamå 5. |
(RB & VS) This inscription was first edited, with a translation and a photograph, in 1876, by Buhler in Arch. Surv. West. Ind., Vol. II, pp. 140 f., and Plate XX; the block is rather small and almost useless for purposes of study. In 1895 Buhler's text was republished, with a few minor alterations, accompanied by a facsimile of an inked impression, and a translation of the text in the Collection of Prakrit and Sanskrit Inscriptions, Bhavnagar, p. 17, No. 1, and Plate XV. Rapson gives an abridged bibliography of the inscription, and summarizes briefly its contents in his Catalogue of the Coins of the Andhra Dynasty, etc., p. 1xi, No. 40. The most recent notice is by Prof. Luders in his List of Brahmi Inscriptions (Appendix to EI. X. No. 966), where we find a complete bibliography of the inscription, a reading of the date (probably from the facsimile in the Bhavnagar Collection of Prakrit and Sanskrit Inscriptions) and a summary of its contents. The inscription was discovered, during excavation, in front of one of the cells of an extensive complex of caves situated to the east of Junàgaäh, close to a modern monastery known as Bàvà Pyàrà's Maòh. Regarding the mischances that fell to its lot after its discovery we have the following account by Burgess. While extricating it, he writes, "the workmen damaged one end of it, but, to add to the misfortune, some one carried it off to the palace in the city, and in doing so seriously injured it at one corner. When I went to photograph it, I had a difficulty in tracing it; at length, however, it was found lying in a verandah in the circle in front of the palace,' For some time previous to its transference to the Museum the stone used to be kept in the State Printing Press at Junàgaäh. The misfortunes 'which have fallen to the lot of this stone since its recovery did not end with those described by Burgess. As a reault of some fresh accident, it is now in two halves, probably having split along the fissure which is noticeable in the facsimile published in the Bhavnagar Collection of Sanskrit and Prakrit Inscriptions, and referred to in the letterpress accompanying the facsimile. The only locality which the record mentions is the well-known Giri-nagara, which was the ancient name of Junàgaäh and which survives in that of the adjacent hill of Girnàr. |
1 . . . . . . . s=tathà sura-gaí[a] . [køatrà]íàì pratha[ma] . . . . . . . .
2 . . . . . . . . Chàøòanasya pra[pau]trasya ràjãaõ
køa[trapa]sya-svàmi-Jayadàma-p[au]trasya ràjãî ma[hà] . . . . . .
3 . . . . . . . [Chai]tra-ùuklasya divaså paìchamå 5 i[ha] Giri-nagarå
dåv-àsura-nàga-ya[køa]-rà[køa]s-å . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 . . . . . . . -thap[u]ram=iva . . . . . . . . . . kåvali-[jãà]na-saì . . nàì . . .
. . . -jarà-maraí[a] . . . . . . . . . .
Remarks on the Transcript.(RB & VS)
From a set of estampages.
In the following notes the letter GB denotes Prof. Buhler's text, the letter BI that of
Dr. Bhagvanlal Indraji, L - H. Luders readings.
L. 1. GB reads in the first line . . . . . ktð . raga . . køatrapa . . . ; BI stathà
suraga . . . . køatrapa.
L. 2. GB adds svàmi in square brackets before Chaøòanasya. The bracketed syllable in
-p[au]trasya has broken away and become illegible. GB pîtrasya; BI pautrasya. The medial
vowel of the first syllable is quite uncertain.
L. 3. GB, BI, and L read pakøasya after -ùukha. The mistake had its origin in Buhler's
faulty transcript. GB, BI, and L read paãchamå for paìchamå. We do not see the ãcha;
the sign below cha, we believe, is only an abrasion; in any case, ãcha is by no means
certain. GB and BI -ràkøasåndri . . . . . . . . . .
L. 4. GB. praka(?) miva pa . . . . . . . kåvali-jãàna-saìpràptànàì
jita-jara-maraíànaì (?).