No. 5. Kanheri Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit.

The inscription is on the left hand gate post of the Chaitya Cave No. 3. It measures 1.43 m x 1.7 m. Characters: Brāhmč, 2nd century A.D. Language : Prakrčt. Orthography : letters are bold and similar to those of the inscription of Nahapāna. (ShG)
1847 Hist. Res. Plate XLII, 10; 1853 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 27 f., No. 13, and Plate, No. 19; 1861 West,JBBRAS VI, p. 3, No. 5, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler, ASWI V, p. 76, No. 5, and Plate LI; 1896 correction by Franke, ZDMG L, p. 598; Luders list 988 ShG No6;
Lu: -Prakrit. Fragment. Records various gifts: an endowment was given to the monks (pavayita); some three objects were made in the Sopārakāhāra (district of Ųurpāra); a chaitya house (chåti . . ), a hall of reception (upathāíasālā) and cells (îvaraka) were built in the Abālikāvihāra (Ambālikāvihāra) at Kāliaía (Kalyāna); a chaitya building (chåtiaghara) and thirteen cells (îvaraka) were built and endowed in some vihāra at Patiōhāía (Pratiøōhāna); a temple (kuōi) and a hall (koähi) were excavated on Rājatalāka Pačōhāíapatha (Pratiøōhāna-patha); a monastery (saghārāma) with endowment was built at the vihāra of Sadasåvājó(?).


1 . . . . . khabhālakaresu adha-
2 . . . . . a[ka .] ch[e]tiasa bha-
3 . . . . lakārasa . [pa]vayitāía ya
4 . . . akhaya-nivi [da]tā Sopārakāhāre-ha-
5 [lāni]íi 3 Kālia[íe] Abālikāvihāre cheti-
6 upaōhāíasāl[ā] ovarakāni Patiōhāíe-vihā-
7 ōigupasadari[ya] chetiaghara ovarakā terasa
8 sa-akhayanivikā Rājatalāka Paiôōhāíapathe
9 saía chulika . ya kuōi koähi cha khanita sada-
10 sevājuya [vihā]re saghārāmo sa-akhayaniviko kā
11 rāpito pu[ãa]ōha deyadhamāni cha anāni pi[kāri]tāni [||]

L.5 the letters lāni are faintly visible (ShG). Buhler has . . [ti]íi.(ASWI)
L.5-9, 11 - Buhler started with . . . (ASWI)
L. 9. ShG read khanita instead Buôhler's reading -choíitā-