No. 6. Kanheri Buddhist cave inscription. Sanskrit. Buhler - letters IV-V A.D.

The inscription is under the standing figure of the Buddha, on the inside of the outer wall of the verandah of cave No.3, between the left gate-post and the left colossal figure of the Buddha. The inscription is of three lines. It refers to the carving of the image of the Buddha below which it is set and the inscription states that the image was made by the Ùàkya Bhikøu Buddhaghoøa, who was the disciple of Dharmavasta. It measures 1 x 2.5 Letters 5 cm. x 3 cm. Characters : Bràhmè, fifth century A.D. Language : Sanskrit Orthography : Nail-headed Variety of Bràhmè. The medial 'i' is shown by a ring. In conjunct the hooked variety of 'ya' is observed. (ShG)
1847 Bird, Hist. Res. Plate XLI, 6; 1853 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V p. 14, No. 1, and Plate, No. 2; 1861 West, JBBRAS VI, p. 3 f., No. 6, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler, ASWI V, p. 77, No. 6, and Plate LI. ; Luders list 989; ShG No. 7;
Lu: - An image of Bhagavat, the gift of the Sàkya monk (Ùàkyabhikøu) Buddhaghîøa, the guardian(?) of the great gandhakuòè (mahàgandhakuòèvàrika?), the pupil (ùiøya) of bhadanta Dharmmavatsa, a teacher of the Tripiòaka (traipi-òakîpàddhyàya), who follows the religion of Buddha Bhagavat.


1. Buddhasya bbhagavatùùàsanànukàritraipiòakopàddhyàya-
2 bhadanta-Dharmmavatsa-ùiøyasya [Ùàkya] bhikøor Buddhaghoøasya
3 Mahàgandhakuòèvàrikasya Bhagavat-pratimeyaì deyadharmmaõ [||]

L. 2 Word [Ùàkya] ShG addition.