No. 16. Kanheri Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit.

The inscription is on the left-hand side-wall of the porch to cave No. 39. It is faintly cut and rather indistinct. It measures 92.5 cm. x 12.5 cm. Letters 3 cm. x 3 cm. Characters : Brąhmč, beginning of 3rd century A.D. Language: Prakrit. Orthography: Letters 'a' and 'ka' have elongated verticals. (ShG)
1847 Bird. Hist. Res. Plate XLVI, 23; 1861 West, JBBRAS VI, p. 6, No. 17, and Plate; 1883 Buōhler, ASWI V, p. 81, No. 17; Luders list 999; ShG No 30;
Lu: - A cave (låķa), the gift of the monk (pavajita) Ąķada (Ąnanda), brother of the teacher (ącharia) bhayata (bhadanta) Atara (? Antara), to the Order (sagha). Also endowment.


1. Sidhaģ ącharią[na] bhayata Virąķaģ bhątuno pavajitasa Ąķadasa
2. leķa deyadhamaģ saghe [|] akhayanivi diną [|] eto chivarikaģ dąta-
3. va 20 Ką[hąpaķąni] saha savehi nątihi
L. 1 The name of the teacher is 'Vira' Buhler has given the name of the reverend teacher according to West`s copy - bhayatąta[rąna]. (ShG)
L. 2 Buōhler read 'chhaka' but it is the numeral '20'.(ShG)