No. 23. Kanheri Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit.

The inscription is over a cistern on the right hand of entrance of the Cave No. 54. It measures 88.5 cm. x 69 cm. Letters 4.5 cm. x 4 cm. Characters: Bràhmè, 200 A.D. Language : Prakrit. Orthography: The letters are deep. The vertical strokes in the letters 'a', 'ka', 'ra', are long. There is no distinction between 'ta' and 'na'. The lefters 'pa' and 'ha' are flat based. (ShG)
1861 West, JBBRAS VI, p. 7, No. 24. and Plate; 1883 Buôhler, ASWI V, p. 83, No. 21; 1896 note by Franke, ZDMG L, p. 598 f; Luders list 1006; ShG No 34;
Lu: - A cave (låía) and a water-cistern (pàíiyapîähè), the gift of the nun (pavaètikà), the elder (thårè) Poíakèasaíà, pupil (atåvàsinè) of the elder (thåra) bhayaìta (bhadanta) Ghîsa (Ghîøa), with her sister and the samaíapapaakas (?) to the congregation of the monks (bhikhusagha) of the four quarters. Also endowment.


1. Sidha theràía bhayaìta-Ghos[à]ía atevàsiniye
2. pavaÑôtikàa P[o]íakèasaíàa theriya leía
3. . . . . pàíiyapoähi cha deyadhama saha bhagi-
4. niya saha cha . . . [bhàtuhi] [samaíaú]papaakehi chàtu-
5. dise bhikhusaghe patiòhàpità mà[tàpitaro udi]-
6. sa [|] akhaya nivi cha saghasa dinà kàhàpaía satàni be [||]
7. eto chiarika solasaka paäiko màse cha utukàle sava-
8. l[o]ka hitasughatha [||]
L. 1. medial 'a' is quite visible. (ShG)
L. 2. These letters (pavaÑôtikàa) are not visible at present. The letter 'Po' is visible. (ShG)
L. 4 The letters [bhàtuhi] are faintly seen. Buôhler has taken the word as 'samaía' and 'upàsaka' (ShG)