No. 24. Kanheri Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit.
The inscription is on the left hand side-wall, outside the verandah of the Cave No. 59. The inscription is distinct but not deeply cut. It measures 99 cm. x 30 cm. Letters 3 cm. x 4.5 cm. Characters : Bràhmè, 200 A.D. Language: Prakrit. Orthography: The letters 'a', 'ka` have elongated forms. (ShG) |
1861 West, JBBRAS VI, p. 7 f., No. 25, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler, ASWI V, p. 83, No. 22; Luders list 1007; ShG No 35; |
Lu: - Fragment. A cave (låía), a cistern (pîähè) and a hall (koähi), the gift of Kaíha (Kðiøía) . . . . . . . of the elder (thåra) bhayata (bhadanta) Hàlaka. Also endowment for the benefit of the congregation of the monks (bhikhusagha). |
1. . . . òhoíakà[ía] [therà]ía[bha]yata Hà[la]kàía ma
2. . . . tisa Kaíhasa deyadhamaì leíaì p[o]äh[i]k[o]ähi [cha]
3. [pa]tiòhàpità [|] akhaya nivi cha dinà kàhàpaíàía . . . . .
4. . . . . . . satà sa[ghe] eto cha bhikhusaghe chevarika dàtava bàrasa-
5. [ka . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] sa savalokahitasukhàya ti [||]
Burgess has rightly restored the first two lines as follows: L1-2. (siddhaì
Kali)aíaka(na) (thera)na (bha)yata Hà(la)kaía aì(tevasi) sa Kaíhasa. The name Kaíha
indicates the evidence for the worship of Kðøía in Konkan region. (ShG)