No. 36. Kanheri Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit.

The inscription is on the right wall, outside the verandah of Cave No. 64. The Bombay Gazetter records that the inscription was of eight or nine lines but at present there are only three lines. The other lines might have been mutilated naturally or disappeared in the plastering work made by the Archaeological Survey Office. It measures 84 cm. x 35.5 cm. Letters 3 cm. x 4 cm. Characters: Bràhmè, 2nd Century AD. Language: Prakrit. Orthography: the medial 'i' in the word 'Pàniya' is written stylistically. (ShG)
1861 West, JBBRAS VI, p. 9, No. 38, and Plate; Luders list 1019; ShG No 37;
Lu: - Not read.


1. sa samakasa dhutu[sa]
2. - - - ka vasatasa
3. leía deyadhama - - pàniya