No. 37. Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit.

The inscription is on the right hand-side-wall outside the verandah of Cave No. 65. The inscription is deeply cut and distinct but it is broken at the right hand end and therefore the last letters in each line are illegible. It measures 1.10 m. x 71 cm. Letters 5 cm. x 7.5 cm. Characters: Brāhmč, 2nd Century AD. Language: Prakrit. Orthography: The letters are deep. There is no distinction between 'ta' and na'. Blank space is left after the words. (ShG)
1847 Bird, Hist. Res. Plate XLV, 18; 1853 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 20 f., No. 8, and Plate, No. 10; 1861 West, JBBRAS VI, p. 9, No. 39, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler, ASWI V, p. 85 f., No. 28; Luders list 1020; ShG No 38;
- Fragment. A cave (låía) and a water-cistern (pāíiyapîähč), the gift of the nun (pavačtikā) Sāpā (Sarpā), the daughter of the lay-worøipper (upāsaka) Kulapiya (Kulapriya) Dhamaíaka (Dharma), the Dhånukākaōiya (inhabitant of Dhånukākaōa), the female pupil (ātåvāsinč) of the elder (thåra) bhadata (bhadanta) Bîdhika, together with her sister Ratinikā and other relatives, to the congregation of monks (bhikhusagha) of the four quarters. Also endowment.


1. Sidha[ė] upāsakasa Dheíukākaō[i]yasa kula[piyasa]
2. [Dha]maíakasa dh[u]tuya pavaŅôtik[ā]ya Sāpā[ya the]-
3. rāía bhadata Bodhikāía Ponakāío ātevāsini[ya]
4. leía deyadhama pāíiyapoähi cha saha bhagi[niya]
5. Ratinikāya saha cha saveía nātisabadhi[vage]-
6. ía chātudise bhikhusaghe atha Aparise
7. lesu patiōhāpita mātupitaro udisa sava[satāía]
8. hitasughatha [||] bhikhusaghasa akhayanivi cha diíā eto cha [bhikhu]
9. saghāía chivarika dātava solasaka utukāle cha . . .
L. 1. The letters 'kula' can be read. (ShG)
L. 3. The name Poíakisaíā occurs in the inscription in Cave No. 54 (ShG). Buhler not read.
L. 6. ASWI read aōhasu puris[esu]; Dikshit has correctly read the name of the saęgha as - - - Aparisela, Indian Historical Quarterly Vol. XVIII, pl. 4. Dhenukākaōa - is Dhānyakaōaka - in Andhra Pradesh, which is mentioned in Karle inscription. (ShG)