No. 45. Kanheri Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit.

The inscription of three lines is on a square stone. It measures 5.9 cm. x 2.5 cm. West has noted that the inscription was found lying on the outside terrace under the tree in front of the Chaitya Cave No. 3. It was in the possession of Dr. Wilson. The Bombay Gazetteer has noted that it is the 7th inscription near Cave No 3. The letters are of 5th or 6th century and the inscription is about the building of a house (Chetiyaghara). The name of the person who built the house is doubtful. The inscription could not be traced. Characters : Bràhmè, 5th Century A.D. Language: Prakrit. Orfhography: Medial 'i' is shown by a ring, 'ta' and 'na' are distinctly written. (ShG)
1861 West, JBBRAS VI, p. 11, No. 48, and Plate Luders list 1028; ShG No 12;
Lu: - Not read.


1. hita ja buddhi na
2. rena cha imi
3. yaghara kàrita