No. 44. Kanheri Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit.

The inscription is rather faintly cut but is distinct and perfect. It is of two lines above a recess over a bench in Cave No. 16. It measuies 1.44 m. x 22 cm. Letters 5 cm. x 3 cm. Characters : Bràhmè, 2nd Century A.D. Language: Prakrit. Orthography: The letters 'ta' and 'na' are written in similar fashion with a loop. (ShG)
1861 West, JBBRAS VI, p. 11, No. 47 and Plate; Luders list 1027; ShG No 24;
Lu: - Not read.


1. Sidhaì upàsakasa Viíhumitasa negamasa Muíäapàlasa.
2. Soparakasa saha kuòubinihi saha bàlake hi deyadhama chhetaì dinaì akhayanivi