No. 49. Kanheri detached rock inscription. Prakrit.
The inscription is of four lines on a detached rock on the side of the steps near Cave No.32. The inscription records the dedication of the pathway by a blacksmith from Kalyan. It measures 47 cm. x 41 cm. Letters 7.5 cm. x 6 cm. Characters - Bràhmè, 2nd Century A.D. Orthography - The letters are deep. The vertical stroke of 'ka' is very long. Language -Prakrit. (ShG) |
1861 West, JBBRAS VI, p. 12, No. 53, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler, ASWI V, p. 86, No. 30; Luders list 1032; ShG No 29; |
Lu: - A path (? patha), the gift of the blacksmith (kamàra) Nada (Nanda), from Kaliyaía (Kalyàía). |
1. Kaliyaíato
2. Nadasa kamà-
3. rasa patho de-
4. yadhama