No. 53. Kanheri Buddhist stone inscription. Prakrit.

ShG: Inscription on the top of the Krisnagiri hill. The inscription is not noted by West or Luôders. It is on a step on the top of the Kðøíagiri hill, completely corroded. It is on one of the staircase leading to the cemetary. Near these steps, there are postholes. The inscription measures 1.7 m. x 40 cm. Letters 7 cm x 7 cm. Characters: Bràhmè, 200 A.D. Language : Prakrit. Orthography: The characters fully agree with the period.
ShG No. 58.


1 Sidha - - - ya - - - yasa [putasa] - -
2 - - - Chemulakasa Kamasa
3 ye patho deyadhama