No. 17. Karle Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit. One furlong south of the caitya cave. On the front wall of vihàra, left of entrance, top. (Sen).

1856 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 427 ; 1881 Bhagvanlal Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI, p. 37 f., No. 22 ; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 92, No. 7.17, and Plate XLVIII; 1896 corr. by Franke, ZDMG L, p. 595; 1902 Senart, EI VII, p. 74, No. 22, and Plate IV; Luders list No 1108;
Lu: -Gift of the monk (pavaeta) Budharakhita (Buddharakøita).


Sidha PavaÑôtasa Budharakhitasa deyadhamam [ || ]

Hail! The meritorious gift of the ascetic Budharakhita. (ASWI) 

Sen. has Sidhaì Pavaeôtasa Budharakhitasa deyadham