No. 19. Karle Buddhist cave inscription of Usabhadāta. Prakrit.
1854 Stevenson.Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 159, No. 4, and Plate, No. 5; 1881 Bhagvanlal Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI, p. 33 f., No. 13, and Plate, with corr. by Buôhler; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 101, No. 9.6, and Plate LI; 1896 corr. by Franke, ZDMG L, p. 596; 1902 Senart, EI VII, p. 57 ff., No. 13, and Plate II; 1908 note by Rapson, Catalogue of the Coins of the Andhra Dynasty, etc. p. LIX, No. 36; Luders list No 1099; SI No. 61; |
Lu: -Gift of the village (gāma) of Karajika to the monks (pavajita) residing in the caves (låía) at Valóraka for the support of the congregation (sagha) of the four quarters by Usabhadāta (Ðiøabhadatta), the son of Dinika and son-in-law of the king (rājan), the Khaharāta, the khatapa (køatrapa) Nahapāna, who made donations to the brāhmanas (brahmaía) on the river Baíāsā (Bāríāsā) and at Pabhāsa (Prabhāsa). |
The inscription is badly injured and carelessly written. But it can be restored and explained, with the help of the Nāsik inscription No. 5, where Ðiøabhadatta enumerates and more fully describes his various benefactions in very bad Sanskrit. Chaitya cave, on the upper frieze to the right of the central door. (Sen.) |
1. Sidhaė [||] Raão Khaharātasa khatapasa Nahapānasa jāma(mā)tara(rā) Dinikapótena
Usabhadātena tiíi-
2. ga(go)-satasahasadeía íadiyā Baíāsāyā suvaía-[ti]thakareía [devatāna*]
brahmaíāna cha soëasa-gā-
3. ma-dena Pabhāse póta-tithe brahmaíāna aōha-bhāyā-pa[deía*] [a]n[u]vāsaė pitu
satasahasaė [bho]-
4. japayita(tā) Valórakesu leía-vāsā(si)na pavajitanāė chātudisasa saghasa
5. yāpaíatha gāmo Karajiko dato sa[vā]na [vā]sa-vāsitānaė (?) [||*]
L. 1. Bu. has Raío; Sen. has . . n . . .kapótena Usabhadātena ti-; SI has
[Dčnčka]-pótena Usabhadātena ti-
L. 2. Sen. has s[u]vaíatathakareía . . . . . . brahmaíana cha soëa[sa]gā-; Buhler
has: suvaía-ra(ti)thakareía, [devāna], solasagā-.
L. 3. Sen. has ma[d]e . Pa-; Bu. has Pābhāse, póãatithe,
aōhe(ōha)-bhāryā-pa[deía], satasāhasi[bho]-; Sen. has aōhabhāyāp[r]a . . . . . .
L. 4. Sen. has japayita; leíavāsinaė
L. 5. Buhler has: yapaíatha, [va]sa-vasitāna-; Sen. has sa . na vāsitānaė
- Success! The son-in-law of the Khaharāta king Køatrapa Nahapāna Dinika`s son,
Usabhadata (Ðøabhadatta), who gave three hundred thousand cows, who founded by (a gift
of) gold a Tčrtha on the Baíāsā [Paríāųā] river, who gave to gods and Brāhmaías
sixteen villages, who gave at the holy Tčrtha of Pābhāsa [Prabhāsa] wives to eight
Brāhmaías, who annually causes to be fed one hundred thousand Brāhmaías for the sake
of his father, has given for their support the village of Karajika to the community of
ascetics from the four quarters, living in the cave at Valóraka [i.e.] to all dwelling
there during the rainy season. (ASWI)
Valórakā (nom. Pl.) appears to be the ancient name of Kārle. (ASWI)