No. 22. Karle Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit. An inscription dated in the 24th year of Puëumāyi. North of the caitya cave. On the wall of the second cell (from the south) of a vihāra, right of entrance, top. (Sen.)

1847 Bird,Hist. Res. p. 54, No.7, and Plate LIII; 1854 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 158 f., No. 18, and Plate; 1881 Bhagvanlal Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI, p. 36 f., No. 20, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler, ASWI IV, p. 113 f., No. 9.21, and Plate LIV; 1896 corr. by Franke, ZDMG L, p. 597; 1902 Senart, EI VII, p. 71 ff., No. 20, and Plate III; 1908 note by Rapson, Catalogue of the Coins of the Andhra Dynasty, etc. p. LI, No. 16; Luders list No 1106; SI No. 88;
Lu: -Gift of a nine-celled (navagabha) hall (maäapa) to the community (sagha) of the four quarters as the special property of the Māhāsaghiyas (Mahāsāėghikas), by Harapharaía, the son of Setapharaía, the Sîvasaka (Sauvarøaka), living at Abulāmā. It was completed in the year 21. In the last portion Budharakhita (Buddharakøita) and his mother, a lay-worøipper (upāsikā), are mentioned.
-rano Vāsiōhiputasa Siri-Puëumāvisa savachharå chatuviså 20 4 håmaėtāna pakhå tatiyå 3 divaså bitiyå 2 -åkaviså savachharå.
SI often read c instead ch. Sircar dividing mark - [|*].


1. Siddha [|*] raío Vāsiōhiputasa Siri-Puëumāvisa savachhare chatuvise 24 hemaėtāna pakhe tatiye 3 divase bi-
2. tiye 2 upāsakasa Harapharaíasa Setapharaía-puttasya Sovasakasya Abulāmāya vathavasya ima deyadhama maäapo
3. nava-gabha mahāsaghiyāna parigaho saghe chātudise dina mātāpitunaė pójā(ye*) savasatānaė hita-sugha-sthataye [|] ekatise sa-
4. vachhare niōhito saheta cha me puna Budharakhitena mātara chasya . . upāsikāya [|*] Budharakhitasa mātu deyadhaėma pāōho ano [ || ]

L. 1. Sen. has Sidha raão, hemaėtāna, Puëimāvisa, hematāna,
L. 2. Sen. has , . Bu. has Abulāmā-vāthavasya, maōapo.
L.3 Read pójāya; Ekatčse is not quite certain, as the ti has been damaged or badly engraved.(ASWI); Buhler has ekatise, parigahe, mātapituna pójā savasatāna, sthataya. Sen. has māhāsaghiyānaė parigaho.
L.4 ASWI - mātarakhiā, in notes: Probably we should read Māturakhitāa, i.e. Mātðirakøitāyāõ; Read mātóya.(ASWI); SI has chasya di . . ., piōho.

(ASWI) Success ! On the second (2d) day of the third (3d) fortnight of winter, in the twenty-fourth (24th) year of the king, the illustrious Puëimāvi, the son of the queen of the Vāsiøōha race, this meritorious gift, a (Sen. nine-celled) hall, has been given to the adherents of the Mahāsaęghika (school), the community (of monks) living in the four quarters (of the world), by the lay worshipper Harapharaía, son of Setapharaía, a Sovasaka, living in Abulāmā, in honour of his parents and for the welfare and happiness of all living creatures. In the thirty-first (Sen. twenty-first) year (of the same king) was completed a second passage (?), the meritorious gift of Mātarakhi[t]ā, a lay worshipper, the mother of Budharakhita, (and) associated with me and with Budharakhita."

Notes to translation (ASWI)
1. As remarked in Cave-Temple Inscriptions, these two names are foreign and probably Persian, the former corresponding with the Graeco-Persian. My friend Professor Noôldeke informs me that the termination -pharaía probably contains the N. Persian frana, "lord," and that Seta may be a corruption of O. Persian kshaeta, N. Persian shŅöd. The name of the town Abulāmā is also foreign.(ASWI)
2. Sovasaka is probably the Sanskrit Sauvarøaka, "belonging to the Suvarøa or Kāųyapčya school," a branch of tbe Sarvāstivadins (Vassilief, Bouddisme, p. 231; Ind. Ant., vol. ix, p. 302).(ASWI)
3. The construction of the last sentence is very ungrammatical: saheta cha me puna Budharakhitena seems to stand for mayā cha Buddharakøitena cha sahitāyāõ, and the case termination sahita to have been left out, as it is above in pójā and below in mātu. The translation of pātho by "passage" I have borrowed from Pandit Bhagwānlāl, though I am not satisfied with it.(ASWI)