No. 3. Khaídagiri cave inscription. Prakrit.

1837 Prinsep, JBAS VI, p. 1074, with facsimile; 1877 Cunningham, CII I, p. 104, No. 1, and Pl. XVII, 1; 1882 Beglar, ASR XIII, p. 83; Luders list No 1344; B.D. Banerji - EI.XIII, No 13.10;
Lu: - The cave (låía) of the servant (pàdamulika) Kusuma.
(BB.) Inscription in Tatwagumpha No. II.
This inscription is the oldest of the inscriptions in the Khandagiri caves. Most of the caves on the Udayagiri are ancient, as proved by their inscriptions; but, with the exception of Tatwagumphà No. I, Tatwagumphà No. II, and Anantagumphà, all other Khandagiri caves appear to be medieval as the inscriptions in them are not earlier than the ninth or tenth century A.D. The record in this cave is incised over one of the entrances to the inner chamber and consists of one line (No. 1344 of Dr. Luders' list). The cave is No. 1 of the plan of the Gazetteer.


Pàdamulikasa Kusumàsa låna[ì] phi (?)