No. 4. Khaídagiri inscription in the Anantagumpha.
B.D. Banerji - EI.XIII, No 13.11; |
(BB.) There are two inscriptions in the Anantagumphà, one on the architrave outside and the other on the rock outside the cave. The second one was noticed by the late J. D. M. Beglar. and both of them were atterwards noticed by Babu Mon Mohan Chakravartti in his 'Notes on the Remains in Dhauli and in the caves of Udayagiri and Khandagiri,' which was printed by the Govt. of Bengal in 1903. This inscription is incised 'on the architrave outside, between the left ante and the first pillar.' The characters of this inscription are certainly later then those incised in the inscription in Tatwa cave No. 2. No other notice of this inscription has been published, except Mr. Chakravartti's note; but there is a cast ot this inscription in the India Museum taken by the late Mr. A. E. Caddy in 1895. |
. . . . . . . . Dîhada samaíanaì låíaì