No. 5. Khaídagiri inscription of Udyotakesari in the Navamuni Cave.
B.D. Banerji - EI.XIII, No 13.14; |
(BB). There are two inscriptions in the Navamuni cave, both of which belong to the same date, about the tenth century A.D. The first inscription was incised in the eighteenth year of the reign of Udyîta-kåsari-Dåva, and is to be found on the inner side of the architrave. The inscription was noticed by the late Mr. J. D. M. Beglar, who published it with Cunningham's reading of it [ASR., Vol. XIII, p. 85, note]. The only other known inscription of Udyîtakåsari is the, now lost, long inscription published by Prinsep [JBAS, Vol. VII, pp. 558ff.]. Mr. Mon Mohan Chakravartti also tried to read the Navamuni cave inscription. It consists of three lines and has been very clearly incised. |
1 Îì Ùrèmad-Udyîtakåsaridåvasya pravarddhamànå vijaya-ràjyå Samvat 18
3 bhaòòàrakasya tasya ùiøya-Subha-chandrasya
Îì expressed by a symbol.