No. 1. Kondàíe Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit. On the right side of the front of the Chaitya beside the sculptured head. It is in the Maurya style of letters.
1861 West, JBBRAS VI, p. 14, No. 64, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, No. 2.1, p. 9 and 83, and Plate XLIV; Luders list No 1071; |
Lu: Made by Baluka (or Balaka), the pupil (aìtåvàsin) of Kaíha (Kðiøía). |
Kaíhasa aìtevàsinà Bala(lu?)kena kataì [||]
Made by Balaka, the pupil of Kaíha (or Kðøía). (ASWI)