No. 1. Koíäamudi (now Madras Museum) copper-plate and seal inscription. Prakrit and Sanskrit.

1901 Hultzsch, EI VI, No. 31, p. 315 ff., and Plates; Luders list No 1328;
Lu: - Order of ràjan Siri-Jayavaìma (Ùrè-Jayavarman) of the gîtra (gota) of the Bðihatphalàyanas, from the victorious camp, the town (nagara) of Kódóra, to the official (vàpata) at Kódóra, concerning the gift of the village (gàma) of Pàìòóra (or Pàòóra) in the district of Kódóra (Kódórahàra) to eight Brahmans (baìmhana), viz. Savagutaja (Ùarvaguptàrya), a house-holder (? jàyàpara) of the Gîtama (Gautama) gîtra (gota); Savigija, the Tànava (Tànavya); Gîginaja (Gîginàrya); Bhavaìnaja (Bhavannàrya) of the Koäina (Kauíäinya) gîtra; Rudaveìnhuja (Rudraviøívàrya), the Bhàradàya (Bhàradvàja); Èsaradataja (Èùvaradattàrya), the Kaìnhàyana (Kàrønàyaía); Rudaghîsaja (Rudraghîøàrya), the Îpamaìnava (Aupamanyava); Khaìdarudaja (Skandarudràrya) ot the Kîsika (Kauùika) gîtra. The plates were prepared by the great general (mahàdaìäanàyaka) Bhàpahànavaìma (Bhàpahànavarman), the best of the Mahàtagis (or the mahàtagivara?). The seal bears the inscription: Of the mahàràja Ùrè-Jayavarmman of the Bðihat-phalàyana gîtra.
- samva 10 hå pa 1 diva 1
(EH.) The copper plates which bear the subjoined inscription were received in June 1901 from Mr. R. Morris, I.C.S., Collector of the Kistna district, along with an abstract of their contents by Mr. J. Ramayya, B.A., B.L. They had been recently discovered in a mound in the village of Koíäamudi in the Tenàli tàluka of the Kistna district and will be deposited in the Madras Museum. The copper plates are eight in number, and measure about 7" in breadth and about 3 1/4" in height. Their edges are not raised into rims. In the upper left corner of the first side of each plate is cut a hole for the ring on which they were strung. The ring measures about 3 1/8" in diameter and about 1/4" in thickness, and its ends are soldered into the base of a circular seal of about 1 1/4" diameter. The ring had not yet been cut when the plates came into my hands. In the centre of the seal is, in relief, a trident the handle of which seems to end in an arrow, a bow (?), the crescent of the moon, and an indistinct symbol of roughly triangular shape. Round the margin of the seal runs a Sanskrit legend in archaic characters which differ totally from those employed on the plates [Just as here two different alphabets are employed for Sanskrit and Pràkðt, the inscriptions of Tamil conntry use the Vaòòeæuttu and the Tamiæ alphabets for Tamil words and the Grantha alphabet for Sanskrit words.].
The alphabet of this inscription closely resembles that of the Mayidavîlu plates of Ùivaskandavarman (No. 8 above). The language is Pràkrit, with the exception of the two Sanskrit words Mahåùvara (l. 3) and Bðhatphalàyana (l. 4) and the Telugu village name Pàìòóra (ll. 24 and 29). The eight copper plates are marked with the numerical symbols '1' to '8' on the left of the second line of each plate.
Neither Jayavarman nor his gîtra are known from other records. The alphabet of his inscription shows that he must have lived in the same period as the Pallava prince Ùivaskandavarman who issued the Mayidavîlu plates. Further, the language and phraseology of the inscription are so similar to the Nàsik inscriptions [A still closer resemblance exists between Jayavarman's plates and the Kàrlå inscription No. 19, at the beginning of which the king's name is lost; see below, p. 319, notes 1 and 7.] of Gautamèputra Sàtakaríi (Nos. 4 and 5) [I am quoting the Andhra inscriptions according to Dr. Bhagwanlal Indraji's numbering in the Bombay Gasetteer, Vol. XVI (Nàsik), and lnscriptions from the Cave templei of Western India (Kàrlå).] and Vàsiøòhiputra Puëumàyi (No. 3) that Jayavarman's date cannot have been very distant from that of those two Andhra kings. The archaic Sanskrit alphabet of the seal of the new plates is corroborative evidence in tbe same direction. As suggested by Mr. Ramayya, Kódórahàra may be a rnore ancient form of Gudrahàra, Gudravàra, Gudràvàra or Gudràra [See South-Ind. Inscr. Vol, 1. p. 47, note 1; above, Vol. IV. p. 34, and Vol. V, p, 123.]. The same district is probably mentioned in the plates of Vijayanandivàrman (l. 3), where I propose to read from the photo-lithograph Kudràhàra instead of Kuäuhàra, the reading of the printed texts [Ind. Ant. Vol. V, p, 176, and Dr, Burnell's South Ind. Pal., second ed., p. 135.]. Kódóra, which was the head-quarters of this district and the residence of king Jayavarman, and the village Pàíòóra I am unable to identify.


First Plate; Second Side.

1 S . [v] . pato vijaya-khaìdhàvàrà
2 nagarà Kódóràto
3 Mahåùvara-pàda-parigahito

Second Plate; First Side.

4 Bðhatphalàyana-sagoto
5 ràjà siri-Jayavaìmo
6 ànapayati Kódóre

Second Plate; Second Side.

7 vàpataì [|*] aìmhe dàni
8 aìmha-vejayike -
9 àyu-vadhanike cha -

Third Plate; First side.

10 baìmhanànaì Gotama-sagota-
11 jàyàparasa Savagutajasa
12 8 Tànavasa Savigijasa -

Third Plate; Second Side,

13 asiyo 3 Goginajasa
14 asiyo 3 Koäina-sagotasa
15 Bhavaìnajasa asiyo be 2

Fourth Plate; First Side

16 Bhàradàyasa Rudaveìnhujasa -
17 aìsi divaähà-Kaìnhàyanasa
18 Èsaradatajasa asi diva[äà] -

Fourth Plate; Second Side,

19 Opamaìnavasa Rudaghosajasa
20 aìsi 1 Kosika-sagotasa
21 Khaìdarudajasa aìsikà[ddhà] chaì

Fifth Plate; First Side.

22 janànaì 8 aìsiyo 20 4
23 kàtuna Kódórahàre gàmaì
24 Pàìòóraì - baìmhadeyaì da[d]àma [|*]

Fifth Plate; Second Side.

25 etaìsi taì gàma -
26 Pàòóra - baìmhadeyaì
27 kàòóna oyapàpehi [|*]

Sixth Plate; First Side.

28 etasa chasa gàmasa
29 Pàìòórasa baìmhadeyaì
30 kàtuna parihàre vltaràma [|*]

Sixth Plate; Second Side.

31 apàpesaì anomasaì
32 alonakhàdakaì -
83 araòhasaìvinayikaì -

Seventh Plate; First Side.

34 savajàtapàrihàrikaì cha [|*]
35 etehi naì parihàrehi
36 pariharàhi [|*] etaì chasiì gàma[ì]

Seventh Plate; Second Side.

37 Pàòóra[ì] ba[ì]mhadeya[ì kà]tuna etha
38 nibaìdhàpehi [|*] aviyena ànataì [|*]
39 sayaì chhato [|*] siri-aòha-satà-

Eighth Plate; First Side.

40 vijayo dato [|*] paòikà -
41 saìva 10 he pa 1 diva 1
42 Mahàtagi-varena -

Eighth Plate; Second Side.

43 mahàdaìäanàyakena
44 Bhàpahànavaìmena -
45 kaòati -

First Plate; First Side.

1 Bamhanànaì Savagutaja-mahà-
2 janànaì janànaì 8 Kódórahàre
3 Pàìòórasa bamhadeyasa [||*]

Bðhatphalàyana-sagîtrasya mahàràja-ùrè-Jayavarmmanaõ [||*]
From the original plates. First side of the first plate is much corroded, and most of the letters are indistinct. (EH.)
L. 1. The two first letters are broken away at the top. The lower portion of the letter v is presrrved on a separate piece of the plate, which is broken off and therefore could not be shown on the accompanying photo-zincograph. Of the two possible restorationg, sava (sarva) and siva (ùiva), the second appears preferable, because documents generally open with a word of auspicious import.
L. 18. Read -ähà (for diva[äà]-).
L. 21. Read cha (for chaì).
L. 23, 30, 37. Read kàtóna.