No. 1. Kuda Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit. At the left side of the door of the cave 1 a large piece of the wall is broken away, carrying with it two or three letters and parts of others.

1854 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 171 f., No. 5, and Plate; 1878 Jacobi, IA VII, p. 253 f., No. 1; 1881 Bh. Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI p. 4 f., No. 1, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 84, No. 4.1, and Plate XLV; 1896 corr. (partly wrong) by Franke, ZDMG L, pp. 588; 592; Luders list No 1037;
Lu: - A cave (låía), the gift of Sivabhóti (Ùivabhóti), son of Sulasadata (Sulasadatta) and Utaradatà (Uttaradattà), writer (låkhaka) to the mahàbhîja Maìdava (Màndava) Khaìdapàlita (Skandapàlita), the son of the mahàbhîjè. Saäagårè Vijayà, together with his wife Íaìäà (Nandà). Compare No. 1045. (No. 6)


Mahàbhojèya Saäageriya Vijayàya putasa Mahàbhojasa Maìdavasa Khaìdapàlitasa lekhakasa Sulasadataputasa Utaradatàputasa cha Sivabhótisa saha bhayàya Naìdàya deyadhaìmaì [leíaì ||]

This cave is the meritorious gift of Sivabhóti, the son of Sulasadata and Utaradatà, and writer to Mahàbhoja Mandava Khandapàlita, son of the Mahàbhojè Saäagerè Vijayà - together with his (Sivabhóti's) wife Naìdà. (ASWI)