No 6. Kuda Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit.
1854 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p.173, 174 No. 9, and Plate; 1878 Jacobi, IA VII, p. 254 f., No. 3; 1880 corr. by Jacobi, IA IX, p. 28; 1881 Bh. Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI p. 9 f., No. 9 and Plate; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 85, No. 4.6, and Plate XLV; 1895 note by Pischel, Nachr. Goôtt. Ges. Wiss. Phil. Hist. Kl. 1895, p. 212; 1896 corr. by Franke, ZDMGL, p. 592; Luders list No 1045 |
Lu: - A cave (låía), the gift of Sivama (Ùivama), the youngest after the writer (låkhaka) Sivabhóti (Ùivabhóti) among the brothers, the sons of Sulasadata (Sula-sadatta) and Utaradatà (Uttaradattà), who are servants of the mahàbhîja Maìdava (Màndava) Khaìdapàlita ( Skandapàlita), the son of the mahàbhîjè Sàäagårè Viiayà, together with his wife Vijayà. The stone-carving (sålarópakama) (was the gift) of his sons Sulasadata (Sulasadatta), Sivapàlita (Ùivapàlita), Sivadata (Ùivadatta), Sapila (Sarpila), and the pillars (thaìbha) that of his daughters Sapà (Sarpà) Sivapàlità (Ùivapàlità), Sivadatà (Ùivadattà), Sulasadatà (Sulasadattà). Compare No. 1037 (No.1). |
Mahàbhojiya Sàäageriya Vijayàya
Mahàbhojasa Maìdavasa Khaìdapàlitasa upajèvinaì
Sulasadatasa Utaradatàya cha putànaì bhàtónaì lekhakà
Sivabhótimhà kaneòhasa Sivamasa deyadhaìmaì lenaì
saha bhayàya Vijayàya putànaì cha sa Sulasadatasa Sivapàlitasa
Sivadatasa Sapilasa cha selarupakamaì duhutónaì
sa Sapàya Sivapàlitàya Sivadatàya Sulasadatàya cha thaìbhà
The meritorious gift of a Leía by Sivama, the youngest, after the writer Sivabhóti,
among the brothers, sons of Sulasadata and Utaradatà, and servants of the Mahàbhoja
Maêdava Khaêdapàlita, the son of Mahàbhojè Sàäagerè Vijayà; and the rock
sculpture (or statues-selarópakamaì) by his (Sivama's) wife Vijayà, and sons
Sulasadata, Sivapàlita, Sivadata, and Sapila; and the pillars by his daughters (-in-law)
Sapà, Sivapalità, Sivadatà, and Sulasadatà. (ASWI)