No. 7 Kuda Buddhist cave inscription. Mixed dialect. Much later date than the others.
1881 Bh. Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI p. 8, No. 7, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 85, No. 4.7, and Plate XLV; Luders list No 1043; |
Lu: - Gift of the female Ùàkya lay-worøipper (Ùàkyîpàsikà) Vyàghrakà. |
Deyadharmoyaì Ùàkyopàsika[kà] Vyàghra[ghri]kàyà yad atra
puíya[ì] tadbhavatu màtàpitðipórvvaêgamaì kðitvà sarvvasatvànà[ì]
anuttari[ra]jãànàvàpa[pta]ya[ye ||]
This is the meritorious gift of the female Ùàkya worshipper (upàsikà) Vyàghrakà :
may the benefit of it be for the attainment of supreme knowledge, first by her father and
mother, and next (after them) by the whole sentient world. (ASWI)