No. 5. Kuda Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit. In Cave V.

1854 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 173, No. 8. and Plate; 1878 Jacobi, IA VII, p. 254, No. 2; 1881 Bh. Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI p. 6 f., No. 5, and Plate, with corr. by Buôhler; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 85, No. 4.5, and Plate XLV; 1896 corr. by Franke, ZDMG L, p. 592; Luders list No 1041;
- A cave (låía) and a cistern (pîähč), the gift of the nun (pāvayitikā) Padumanikā (Padmanikā), daughter of the nun (pāvayigtikā) Nāganikā, the sister's daughter of the elders (thåra) bhadata (bhadanta) Pātimita (? Svātimitra ?) and bhadamta Āgimita (Agnimitra), together with her pupil (atåvāsinč) Bîdhi and her pupil (ātivāsinč) Asālhamita (Aøāähāmitrā).


Siddhaė Therāíaė bhadata Pā[Sā]timitāna Bhadaėta    
Āgimita[tā](na) cha bhāgiíeyiya pāvayitikāya Nāganikāya duhutaya
pāvayitikāya Padumaėnikāya deyadhaėmaė
leíaė poähč cha sahā atevāsiniya Bodhiya    
saha cha ativāsiniya Asālhamitāya [ || ]

Hail ! A cave and cistern, the meritorious gift of the female ascetic (or nun) Padumanikā, daughter of Nāganikā, the ascetic, the sister's daughter of the Thera Bhadanta Sātimita and Bhadanta Āgimita, and of her female disciples Bodhč and Asālhamitā. (ASWI)