No 4. Kuda Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit.
1881 Bh. Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI p. 6, No. 4, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 84, No. 4.4; Luders list No 1040; |
Lu: - Fragment. Gift of a cave (låía). Mentions the monk (pavačta) Gîā . . . , the pupil (atåvāsin) of the elder (thåra) bhadaėta Sivadata (Ųivadatta), and Sātimitā (Svātimitrā). |
Sidhaė Therā(íam Bhadamta) S[iva]da-
taía a(tevāsino) pava(äa)ta-
sa go ā (äa)ma leíaė
yā ya
All we can learn from this is that one of the donors was an ascetic and disciple of the
Thera Sivadata; the other was Sātimitā, a female. (ASWI)