No. 9. Kuda Buddhist cave inscription. Mixed dialect.
1854 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 172 f., No. 7, and Plate; 1881 Bh. Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI p. 11, No. 10, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 86, No. 4.9, and Plate XLV; Luders list No 1046; |
Lu: - Gift of the Sàkya monk (Ùàkyabhikøu) Buddhasigha (Buddhasiìha), for the merit of his parents and the bhaòàka (? bhaòòàraka ?). |
Deyadharmmoyaì Ùàkyabhikøu[køo]rbuddhasigha[siìha]sya
màtàpitðipurvvaêgamaì kðitvà bhaòàka[rka]chaì[cha]ya
datra puíyaì tad bhavatu sarvvasatvànàm anuttarajãànàvàptaye [ || ]
This meritorious gift of the Ùàkya mendicant Buddhasiìha - may its merit be for the
attainment of supreme knowledge by his father, mother, and Bhaòàrka, and then by the
whole sentient world. (ASWI)