No. 10. Kuda Buddhist cave inscription. Mixed dialect.
1881 Bh. Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI p. 11, Nos. 11 and 12, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 86, No. 4.10, and Plate XLV; Luders list No 1047; |
Lu: - (An image), the gift of the Ùàkya monk (Ùàkyabhikøu) Saìghadåva, and gift of a capital invested in the Cheìäina field for the expense of lamps to Buddha. |
(1) Deyadharmmoyaì-Ùàkyabhikøoõ Saìghadevasya atra cha Cheìäinakhetra[ì] badhvà
dèpamólya Buddhasya dattam [||]
(2) yo lopaye[t] pa[ì]chamahàpàtakaba[saì]yukto bhave[t]||
This (image) is the meritorious gift of the Ùàkya-bhikøu Saêghadeva, and the Chenäina
field is given for the expense of lights to Buddha. Whoever cuts off (this) is guilty of
the five great sins. (ASWI)