No. 3. Ajaíòà inscription (pl. lvii) in Cave XVI has already been transliterated and translated by Paíäit Bhagwànlàl Indràji, who, with great care and pains, prepared beautiful facsimiles of it and the other inscriptions. The following transcript does not much differ from his, who, as usually, has done his work very well. Some of his emendations have also been adopted. (ASWI)
Cave-Temple Inscriptoins, p. 69; ASWI IV.11.3; |
1. udèrííalokatrayadoøavahni-nirvvàpaíà . . . . . . . [|] . . . . . . . ti
praíamya pórvvàì pravakøye køitipànupórvvè[m ||1||]
2. mahàvimarddeøv abhivðiddhaùaktiõ kruddhas surair apy anivàryya[vèryaõ] . . . .
. . íadànaùaktiõ dvijapõ prakàso bhuvi Vindhyaùa[ktiõ ||2||]
3. purandaropendrasamaprabhàvaõ svabàhuvèryyà[rjji]ta[sarvalokaõ|] . . . . . . . . .
kànàì babhóva Vàkàòakavaìùake[tuõ ||3||]
4. raíe [sva]haryyutthitareíujàla-saãchchhàditàrkka . . . . . . [|] . . . . . . . .
naràtèn kðitvàbhivàdapravaíà[ì]ù chakàra [||4||]
5. [vini]rjitàri[s sura]ràjakàryyaù-chakàra puíyeøu paraì praya[tnam ] . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . [||5||] [ari]narendramaulivinyastamaíikiraíàlèähakramàmbujaõ [|]
6. Pravarasenas tasya putrobhód vikasannavendèvarekøaía[õ ||6||] ravimayókhada . . .
. . . . . . [||] [dra]senaÛ Pravarasenasya jitasarvvasenas suto bhavat
7. . . . pàrtthivendrasya praùa[ùà]sa dharmmeía medinè[m |] Kuntalendra[ì]
vi[jitya] . [Pði]thivè[øeíaõ] . . . . [||8||] Pravarase[nas ta]sya putrobhót
pravarorjjitodàraùàsanaÛ [|] pravara
8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [||9||] . . . . yàtmaja . ma . . . . . . . . . . . .
. [|] . . . . . . [ma]vàpya ràjyam aøòàbdako yaÛ praùaùàsa samya[k ||10||]
9. tasyà[tmajo]bhón naradeva . . . . . . . bhuvi Devasenaõ [|] yasyopabhogair lalitair
vvi . . . devaràjasya . . . . bhóõ [||11||] puíyànubhàvàt køitipasya [tasya]
10. . . . . . . . . . . . [|] . . . . . yaguíàdhivàso . . . . koùo bhuvi Hastibhojaõ
[||12||] pra . . . . Û pðithupènavakøàs-saroruhàkøax køapi-
11. . . . . [|] . . . . . . . . . . . -diggandhahastipratimo babhóva [||13||] hito
vinètaõ praíaya . . . -manonukólonuvidhànavarttè [|] niratyaya
12. . . . . . . . . . . . kaùcha [|| 14 ||] ta[thai]va loka suhitàùayatvàt-sukhena
samya[kpa]ripàlanena [|]. . . màteva sakheva nityaì-priyobhigamyaù cha babhóva
13. . .[||15||] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [|] svasthas samàveùya sa
tatra ràjà-[sasa]ãja bhogeøu yatheøòacheøòaõ [||16||] atha tasya suto babhó
14. [varàjà]- . . . . . .'. . . . . . [|] hari[ràma]harasmare[va]kàntir-Hariøeío
harivikkramapratàpaõ [||17||] sa Kuntalàvanti-Kaliêga-Kosala-Trikóòa-Làòàndhra-
15. . . . . . . [|] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pi svanirdeùa . . . . . . [||18||]
prathito bhuvi Hastibhojasónussachivas tasya mahèpater bbabhóva [|] sakalakøiti-
16. . . . . . . . . . . . . [||19||] . . . jeøòa
sthiradhèrachetàs-tyàgakøamaudàryyaguíair upeta[õ |] dharmmeía dharmmapravaíaù
ùaùàsa-deùam yaùaÛ puíyaguíàùu
17. . . [||20] . . . . . . . . prati puíyopachayaì paraì chakàra [|] yata órddhvam
adas sahàya-dharmmà-parito lokagurau chakàra kàrà . [||21||] àyurvvayovittasakhàíi
18. . . . . . . làni [|] u[ddiùya] màtàpitaràv udàraì-nyavèviùad veùma
yatèndra[sevyam ||22||] sajalàmbuda . . . ddhitàgre-bhujagendràdv yuøite
mahèdharendre [|]
19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ùrèpatinà ùarà nikuãje [||23||]
gavàkøaniryyóhasuvèthivedikà-[su]rendrakanyà-pratimàdyalaìkðitam [|]
20. [meduraì] . . . . .-[uddhu]rachaityamandira[ì ||24||] ma . . . . talasanniviøòa-vi
. . . . mano[bhi]ràmaì [|] . . . ãchàmyumahànidhàna[ì]-nàgendraveùmàdibhira
21. . . . . [||25||] . . . . samaraíà . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [|].
grèømàrkkasya cha kiraíopatà[pa]ta[ptaì]-sarvartuprathitasukhopabhogayoga[ì ||26||]
22. . . . . [su]rendramandiràíà[ì]-ruchiman[ma]ndarakanda . . . . [|] . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . ha[ì]-yathepsita . [||27] asama[prati]rochane girer-vaka
23. . . . . . . sramà . kà . [|] laya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[||28||] . . . . . . . yasya janena nàma-prètiprasàdavikachapraíayena chakre [|] [e]ta
24. . . . . layanaì surendramauli-[prabho]pachèta . . . . . hàya [||29||] nivedya
saêghàya . . . . gya-sabandhuvarggas sa Varàhadevaõ [|] nðidevasaukhyàny anubhóya
25. . . . . . ùàstà Sugatapraùastaõ [||30||] sàndràmbhoda-bhujangabhoga . . . . .
ma . . . . . . . nna-manaù ùilàlakapilair yyàvat karair bhàsvaraõ [|] tàvach chhe
26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . sevyatàm antarmmaíäaparatna[m e]tad amalaì
ratnatrayodbhàvita[ì ||31||] vividhalayanasànus sevyamàno mahadbhir girir aya
27. . . . . . . . . . . ddhya [|] yad api cha samastavyastadoøa-prahàíà[d] [vi]ùatu
padam aùokaì nirjvaraì ùàntam àryya[ì ||32||]
L.5 Unfortunately, it has not been possible to determine 'accurately the metre of the very
important verses 6-9 (ll. 5-7), which have baffled Bhagwànlàl Pandit also. They look
like Màtràchhandas, allied to the Vaitàlèya, with fourteen to sixteen màtràs in each
pada; but they do not agree with any of the varieties noticed by the known writers on
metrics; the new readings and restorations, therefore, remain uncertain. From the extent
of the lacuna between pravarase and sya in vs. 9a (l. 7), it seems impossible that only
one syllable should have been lost; two are required to fill it, and these were probably
nas ta. The reading-pravarasenaas tasya-thus obtained, recommends itself, because
Pravarasena's son, Rudrasena, has already been mentioned in l. 6, and because the Seonè
and Ilichpur plates name two Pravarasenas, and the correction thus brings this inscription
into accord in this respect with the plates. Of the name of the son of Pravarasena I
mentioned in vs. 7, -drasena is left, and we may safely restore it as Rudrasena, as in the
grants. In vs. 8 (l. 7) the first legible word is pàrthivendrasya, "of the best of
princes," and suggests that tanayas tasya, "the son of that," should be
supplied before it; and as Rudrasena's son was Pðithivèøeía, and in the middle of the
lacuna in vs. 8 pra or pði is faintly visible, and after it thivè, it seems highly
probable that Pðithivèøeía's name had been here.(ASWI)
L.12 The reading violates the metre; perhaps loke suhità- or lokeøu hità- should be
L14. Sl. 17. Read -smarendrakàntir.(ASWI)
L.25 Read karair bhàskaraõ (Bhagwànlàl).