No. 4. Ajaíòà cave inscription.
Pandit Bhagwànlàl is probably right in assuming that the Hariøeía
mentioned in l. 21 is the Vàkàòaka prince whose name occurs in Ajaíòà No. 3, and
that the Vàkàòakas were the lords paramount whom these rulers obeyed. The characters
belong to the Northern, or rather the central group of alphabets. With the Southern
alphabets they have nothing to do, as is evident from the forms of fa and na used here.
The inscription probably belongs to the end of the fifth or the beginning of the sixth
century A.D.The names show that the family deity of the dynasty was Viøíu-Kðiøía. The
first prince began, probably, to reign about 250 A.D. (ASWI)
The Vaìsàvali is as follows:-
1. Dhðitaràøtða
2. Harisàmba
3. Ùaurisàmba
4. Upendragupta
5. Kàcha I
6. Bhikøudàsa -
7. Nèladàsa
8. KàchaII
9. Kðiøíadàsa
10. . not known Ravisàmba
ASWI IV.11.4; |
[1.] . . . . . . . . . mà[vaniì]-praíamya vidyàtrayapàraga[ì] munim [|]
vihàradàtur vyavadàtakarmaío guíàbhidhànopanayax kariøyate ||
[2.] . . . . . . . . . ne[na]-labdhàtmabhàvasya naràdhipasya [|] dhðitàtapatrasya
babhóva putras-sitàtapatro Dhðitaràøòrasaìjãaõ [||]
[3.] . . . . . . . . . sya ràjão-Harisàmbomburuhendukàntavaktraõ [|] nðipates tanayo
babhóva tasy[à]py amalaùrè[õ] køitipàlaùaurisàmba[õ ||]
[4.] . . . . . . . . . . . [ùa]-pðithukèrttir dyutimàn Upendraguptaõ [|] samabhód
ava . s suto tha tasya-køitipax Kàcha iti prakàùanàmà [||]
[5.] . . . . . . . . . . . [d-bhu]vi kèrttinyasanàya Bhikøudàsaõ [|] pratitho bhuvi
Nèladàsanàmà-nðipatis tasya suto naràdhipasya ||
[6.] . . . . . . . . . -prathitax Kàcha iti pradèptakèrttiõ [|] nðipater atha tasya
Kðiøíadàsaõ-kulavaìùa-dyutivarddhano babhóva ||
[7.] . . . . . . . . . -[sta]nayà chandrakaràvadàtaveøà [|] abhavat
paripóríachandravaktrà-vinayàchàra-vibhóøaíà [Su]chandrà ||
[8.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dyotakarèm avàpa [|] tasyàã cha
[9.] . . . . . . . . . . . -[pradyu]mnasàmbapratimau kumàrau [|] ekàdhipatyaì
prathamovatàraì. -daddhre dvitèyo Ravisàmbasaìjãàm [||]
[10.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . samaùmakàdi[bhiõ |] . . nu tàbhyàm
abhibhóya bhóyasà-raràjatuù chandradivàkaràv iva ||
[11.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [|] vivðiddhasauhàrdda[yaùa]Û
pratànayos-sadànukólyena sukhaì vijahr[uøo]õ [||]
[12.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vair apy anivàryyaùàsanaõ [|]
puràkðitodbhàvitabhèmavikramaõ-kanèyasi prà[syata] . . tàùaniõ ||
[13.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vadhairyyà . . . . . . jaõ [|] achityasaìjãaõ
sachivas tataÛ paraì-vyavèvig dhat puíyamahàmahèruham ||
[14.]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tatoøam [|]
bhóyaùùrutatyàgadayàpramoda-maitrèkøamàvèryyadhiyas siøeve ||
[15.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [na]rendràn [|] praùastavðittàn
suviùuddhavðitto-vðittena samyakøubhitonuchakre ||
[16.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . chakàra [|] artthikasyàrtthijanas
tathaiva-kèrtti[ì] kðitàrtthaõ prathayàm babhóva ||
[17.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sa . . bhiplutàkøàn [|] amómuchad
vittavisarggaùaktyà-putràdhicheøòàn karuíàbhimðiøòaõ ||
[18.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ye]na putravat [|] anóchivàìsopi hi yasya
hðidgatàì-vidanravadhyàùa[ya]ùuddhisampadam ||
[19.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . karàíi sadyaõ [|]
sarvvajãabhàvapraíidhànasiddhiõ-satyàbhidhànàbhibhavàd apeyuõ ||
[20.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cha . . yogaõ [|] yaùoì[ùu]bhiù
chandramarèchiùubhraiõ-jjagat samagra[ì vi]malaã chakàra ||
[21.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vadanàravindachandre [|] paripàlayati
køitèndrachandre-Hariøeíe hitakàriíi prajànàm ||
[22.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tyadbhutapuíyaràùi[õ |] [chak]r[e] bhuva
stópavihàrabhóøà-dànodayaiù chàrtthi[ja]napramodam [||]
[23.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nà . . nà[da]vadbhi[õ |] . . . . . . . . .
hadbhir-a . . . . ma . sahyapàde ||
[24.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gàmbhèryyaguíair upetam [|]
niveùità-ntarmuniràjachaityam-ekàùmakaì maíäaparatnam etat ||
[25.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vipulaì visðijya [|] achèkarach
chaityam[ahè]nakalpam-alpàtmabhiõ kalpanayàpy aùakyam ||
[26.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nayanàbhiràmam [|] nyavèviùat
svàdulaghuprasanna-ùètaprakàmàmbumahànidhànam ||
[27.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nnetramanobhiràmàm [|] anyà[ì]ga-deùesya diùi
pratèchyàm-achèkarad gandhakuòèm udàràm ||
[28.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ddhitàyodyatasarvvakarmmaía [|]
munèndranàthapraíidhànasiddhayebhavantv abhèøòà bhuvi sarvvasampadaõ ||
[29.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . praíayena maíäapa[õ |] karotu tàvat
kuùalodayaì satàì-nihanti yàvad ravir aìùubhis tamaõ || Oì
L. 4. Pandit Bhagwànlàl, who has seen the original inscription, says that avanas suto or
agajas suto may be read. The facsimile has ava, the last letter is illegible.(ASWI)
L. 9. Read ekàdhipatyam prathamo babhàra, as the sense requires. The va is very
indistinct, and may be intended for ba. Ta and ba are hardly to be distinguished in this
L. 11. The u stroke attached to the hr is very faint, and of the øo only o distinctly
visible. But the reading is certain, as sense and grammar require the form vijahruøoõ,
the gen. loc. part. perfect act. vijahrivas.(ASWI)
L. 15. Read samyakkøubhito.(ASWI)
L. 16. Read kèrttim, as an object to prathayàm babhóva is required. In tathaiva the
second letter is not quite plain.(ASWI)
L. 20. yaùomùubhiõ looks like yaùombubhiõ, as Paíäit Bhagwànlàl reads. But the
resemblance is caused only by the loss of the left-hand vertical stroke of the ùa.(ASWI)
L. 22. Read chakre bhuvam . . . . . . . . . bhóøàm.(ASWI)
L. 28. Read -sarvvakarmaíàm.(ASWI)