Collections of Early Indian Inscriptions systematised by findplaces (in development of Luders' list)

Collection Nr. 1 (X/2003)

Prepared with the funding of RUSSIAN FOUNDATION FOR BASIC RESEARCH (, Pr. No. 03-06-80097-a by D.N. Lielukhine, Oriental Institute.

Inscriptions from Ajaíta, Amaràvatè, Ambivale, Banavàsè, Bedsa, Beëvàäigi, Bhadrak, Bhàjà. Bhaòòiprîlu, China, Darùi, Deotek, Dharaíikîòa, Gaähà (Jasdan), Ghaíòasàla, Ghaòotkacha cave, Guíapadåya, Gónda, Gurzàla, Hirahaäaäagaëëi, Intwa, Jagayyapåòa, Junàgaäh, Junnar, Kanheri, Karàäh, Karle, Kesànapalli, Khaíäagiri, Kodavolu (Koäavali), Kol, Kîlhàpur, Koíäamudi, Kondàíe, Kuda (some texts are inaccessible for me yet).

Collection Nr. 2 (XI/2005-XI 2006)

Prepared with the funding of RUSSIAN FOUNDATION FOR BASIC RESEARCH (, Pr. No. 03-06-80097-a by D.N. Lielukhine, Oriental Institute.
Prepared with the funding of RUSSIAN FOUNDATION FOR BASIC RESEARCH (, Pr. No. 03-06-80097-a by D.N. Lielukhine, Oriental Institute.

Inscriptions from Mahàd, Mahàkal cave, Maãchikallu, Mayidavîlu, Maëavaëëi, Maòòepàä, Mevàsà, Myàkadoni, Mulwàsar, Nàdsur, Nàgàrjunikoíäa, Nànàghàò, Nàsik, Padaía, Pàle, Pauni (Pawni), Pedda-Dugam, Phophnar Kalan, Pitalkhora, Reíòàla, Sannati, Siddhsar, Udayagiri, Uppuguíäór, Vakàlà, Wandh, Ùailarwadi (Øelàrwàäè), Sàlihuíäàm, Ålóra (some texts are inaccessible for me yet).
List of findplaces with links to collections
Classic publications
Inscriptions from the temples of Western India (J. Burgess publication in ASWI, v.IV in -pdf format with font embedded (1004 Kb).                  
Prepared with the funding of RUSSIAN FOUNDATION FOR BASIC RESEARCH (, Pr. No. 03-06-80097-a by D.N. Lielukhine, Oriental Institute. H. Luders, A List of Brahmi Inscriptions from the Earliest Times to about A.D. 400 with the exception of those of Ashoka.
In pdf files (use menu save target) - North inscriptions (566 kb), South inscriptions (410 kb)

© Oriental institute, 2000-2004
© Lielukhine D.N., 2000-2004