No. 13. Kanheri Buddhist tank inscription. Prakrit. Bu: Language - Palè, letters - Andhra, date between Satakarni of the Nanaghat and Gotamiputra Satakarni

The inscription from cave 17 is above the water tank, close to the inscription No. 17. It measures 75 cm. x 45 cm. Letters 7 cm. x 7 cm. Characters: Bràhmè, 2nd century A.D. Language: Prakrit. Orthography: The letter 'da' is shown by the archaic form. Whereas the letters 'sa', 'pa', 'ha', 'ya' show the round forms. The letter 'la' is having a long vertical stroke. (ShG)
1847 Bird. Hist. Res. p. 56. No. 12, and Plate XLI, 9 (left half); 1853 Stevenson, JBBRAS IV, p. 133 f., No. 2, and Plate; 1853 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 19, No. 6, and Plate, No. 8; 1861 West, JBBRAS VI, p. 5, No. 13, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler, ASWI V, p. 78 f., No. 13, and Plate LI; Luders list 996; ShG No.18;
Lu: - A cistern (pîähè), the gift of Sulasadata (Sulasadatta), son of the treasurer (håraíika) Rîhaíimita (Rîhiíèmitra), the Chåmulaka (inhabitant of Chåmula.) Compare No. 1033 (No.50).


1. Chemulakasa heraíikasa
2. Rohiíimitasa putasa
3. Sulasadatasa poähi
4. deyadhaìma [||]
Bu- Simylla, Cheêvaë, or Chaul
ShG- modem Chaula in Raigad district, Maharashtra.