No. 13. Kanheri Buddhist tank inscription. Prakrit. Bu: Language - Palè, letters - Andhra, date between Satakarni of the Nanaghat and Gotamiputra Satakarni
The inscription from cave 17 is above the water tank, close to the inscription No. 17. It measures 75 cm. x 45 cm. Letters 7 cm. x 7 cm. Characters: Bràhmè, 2nd century A.D. Language: Prakrit. Orthography: The letter 'da' is shown by the archaic form. Whereas the letters 'sa', 'pa', 'ha', 'ya' show the round forms. The letter 'la' is having a long vertical stroke. (ShG) |
1847 Bird. Hist. Res. p. 56. No. 12, and Plate XLI, 9 (left half); 1853 Stevenson, JBBRAS IV, p. 133 f., No. 2, and Plate; 1853 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 19, No. 6, and Plate, No. 8; 1861 West, JBBRAS VI, p. 5, No. 13, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler, ASWI V, p. 78 f., No. 13, and Plate LI; Luders list 996; ShG No.18; |
Lu: - A cistern (pîähè), the gift of Sulasadata (Sulasadatta), son of the treasurer (håraíika) Rîhaíimita (Rîhiíèmitra), the Chåmulaka (inhabitant of Chåmula.) Compare No. 1033 (No.50). |
1. Chemulakasa heraíikasa
2. Rohiíimitasa putasa
3. Sulasadatasa poähi
4. deyadhaìma [||]
Bu- Simylla, Cheêvaë, or Chaul
ShG- modem Chaula in Raigad district, Maharashtra.