16. Banavàsi. Banavàsi, Karvar d., Karnataka. Studies in Indian History and Culture (P.B. Desai Felicitation Volume), pp.57 (B.R. Gopal); Mànavika Karíàòaka Volume. (A.V. Narasimhamurthy); Go,53-55 (14); GaiK,86-87 (12). Inscription is engraved on four sides of a square pillar from the bottom to the top, commenc-ing from one of the four faces of the pillar and continued on all the other faces before the second line is engraved on the top of the first, on the first face. The top portion of the pillar is broken and lost. But, as it is, the pillar is more than 16 feet in height, the extant written portion occupying about 2 feet 2 inches of the pillar (Gopal). Verses 1-5 Upajàti (Gai).
Text. 1 . . . . . . . . . . ta maìtra-ghîøaõ siddham || svasti (||*) jitaì Bhagavatà (|*) jyîtirmayaì brahma-vidàì ùaraíyaì viùvasya karttàram=anåka-rópaì(pam) (|*) vibhum=patiì sthàvara-jaêgamànàm Viøíunna(øíuì na)masyàmi tad=åka-ci[ttaõ ||](1||*) 2 . . . . . . . . . . Hàrity-udit-àdi-sarggå Kadamba-vaìùå nabhas-èva Sóryyaõ (|*) Kàkusthavarmm=åti nðpî babhóva dyàvà-pðthivyî¸prathita-prabhàvaõ ||] (2||*) tasya-àtha putro¸ìbuja-patra-nåtraõ ùrè-Ùàntivarmmà raíabhèma - - (|) 3 . . . . . . . . . . n=naråìdraõ Mðgåùa-karmm-àri-mðgåøu nityam ||(3||*) Kàãcèsvar-àjãà-jaya-sàdhanaì yî Gàêgaì balaì tuìga-mad-àvalåpaì(pam)( |*) anåka-hasty=aùva-pad-àti[yî]dhaì ùastràgni . . . .(||4||*) 4 . . . . . . . . . . àjanmatas=saãcita-duXkha-labdhàì(bdham) (|*) Jaya-Ùriyaì Pallava-pàrtthivasya jahàra Ràmasya yaùai(thai)va Ràmaõ ||(5||) parasparaì 5 . . . . . . . . . . baddha iva pannag-åndra . . . . kula . . . . . . . . . . |