2. Maëavaëëi inscription of Viíhukula
Cuòukulànanda Ùàtakaííi, year1.
1895 noticed by Buôhler, Academy, Vol. XLVIII. p. 229 f.=JRAS 1895, p. 903
f.=VOJ IX, p. 331= 1896, IA XXV, p. 28; 1902 Rice, Ep. Carn. VII, p. 251 f. and
142, No. 263, and Pl.; 1905 note by Fleet, JRAS 1905, p. 304; 1908 note by
Rapson, CCAD, etc. p. LIV, No. 26; Luders list No 1195;Go, 6-7 (1a).
Luders: - Records, after an invocation of the god
Maëapaëi, the order of the ràjan of Vaijayantè, Sàtakaííi, of the Mànavya gîtra
(gotta), the son of a Hàritè, born in the Viíhukaääa-Chuòu family, to the
official (rajjuka) Mahàvalabha (Mahàvallabha) concerning the gift of some land
(?) in the village district (gàmàhàra) Sahalàòavè to Koíäamàía of the Koíäinya
(Kauíäinya) gîtra (gotta), the son of a Hàritè, as a Brahman's gift for the
enjoyment of the god Maëapaëi.
- [savva]chchharaì bitèyaì gihmapakkaì paäamaì divasaì paäamaì . . . . .
Maëavaëëi Shikaripur t., Shimoga d., Karnataka. Engraved above previous, in three lines, on the three faces of the six-faced pillar
Text. 1 siddham || jayati bhagavàn Maëapaëidåvî Vaijayantèpura-ràjà Mànavya-sagîttî Hàriti-puttî Viíhukaäa Chuòukulànanda Sàtakaííi àíapayati mahàvalabhaì rajjukaì 2 àyu-dhana-vaddhàt-èchchaì bhagavan tîøapaòiyasèì gàmàhàra-Sahalàòavèì Maëapaëidåva-bhîgaì mahàsuràíaì òhàíamm=àtmarachchàya savva-parihàråía vètaràsam abhaòa-ppavåsaì saìsiddhikaì 3 evvaì uchitaì savva-parihàråía Takiãchi-puttàya bahma-dejjaì Koíäinyasa-gîttàya Hàritè-puttàya Koíäamàíàya ivvadhatthi bitèya-gihma-pakkaì paäama-divasaì paäama-sammachcharam . . . . diííam . . . . |