4. Chandravaëëi. Chandravaëëi, near Chitradurga, at the site of Chandravaëëi (taluk and distr.), Karnataka. MyAR for the year 1929 (M.H. Krishna); MyAR for the year 1931 pp.50-60; D.C. Sircar, SI, pp. 449ff; B. Rajasekharappa, KSPP, v. 69 (Dec.1984), pp.1ff; Go, p.7-8 (2); Gai, p. 61(2). On the lower part of a boulder near the entrance of the Bhairavåùvara temple in the Hulegondi valley (Gopal).
Text. (Gai reading ll. 2-3 strongly different from other - see comm.) 1 Kadaìbàíam Mayóravarmmaíà 2 taòàkaì dðähèkðtaì abhirópaì ra[cayi]tvà 3 vànavàsakaì sthàpayitvà kupaíacamo . . . |