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Ashokan inscriptions
Vigasin A.A. | Asoka's Third Edict reinterpreted // Indian Historical Review, 1996, Vol. XX, p. 16-21. |
Vigasin A.A. (with Lielukhine D. N.) | Mauryan Empire and the problem of Oriental State. In: - Humanity in Russia. Soros laureats. M.1996 (in Russian) M. 1997 (in English) |
Vigasin A.A. | The Third Asokan Rock Edict Reinterpreted // X World Sanskrit Conference, Bangalore. p. 185. |
Vigasin A.A. | Chronology of Asoka's Reign and Some Connected Problems // Oriental Studies, ICANAS, Budapest, p.397-398. |
Vigasin A.A. | Obscure and Much-discussed Passage in Lumbini Inscription of Asoka // Oriental Studies, ICANAS, (in Russian) Budapest, p.398-399. |
Vigasin A.A. | An Obscure and Much-discussed Passage in Lumbini Inscription of Asoka // Our Heritage. Burdwan, p.10. |
Vigasin A.A. | To the interpretation of Ashokan Edicts: parishad // Vestnik Drevnei Istorii, (in Russian), 1998, No 1, 61-71 |
Vigasin A.A. | To the interpretation of Ashokan Edicts: Rule and Righteousness// Oriental Epigraphy, XXXV, Moscow, 1998 In Russian, 1998, 18-25 |
Vigasin A.A. | The Ancient Map of South Asia //(in Russian) Vestnik Drevnei Istorii, No 1, 20-41; (in English) Indian History. A Russian Viewpoint, Delhi, Pragati Publications, p.123-134. |
Lielukhine D. N. | Structure of Maurya State from the Ashokan edicts. // Vestnik Drevnei Istorii (in Russian), 1998, No. 2 - Html or pdf |
Vigasin A.A. | To the interpretation of Ashokan Edicts: agabhutisususa // Vestnik Drevnei Istorii (in Russian), 1999, No 1, 61-71 |
Vigasin A.A. | The Greek-Indian dialogue in the middle of III century BC// Poetics, History of the literature, linguistics. Moscow, 1999, 19-24. (in Russian) |
Vigasin A.A. | Some Aspects of Asokan Edicts, Indologica Taurinensia. Vol.XXIII, Torino, p.501-506 |
Vigasin A.A. | From Ashokan inscriptions: 1. Repentance of king, 2. Here the Buddha Shakyamuni was born. //Vestnik Drevnei Istorii (in Russian), 2002, No. 1, 3-14, |
Vigasin A.A. | Great embassy on the West // U vremeni v plenu. Moscow, p. 24-36 (in Russian) |
Vigasin A.A. | The Time in Asokan Edicts. //Anthropology of culture, I, Moscow, 188-192(in Russian) |
Vigasin A.A. | Ashoka king of Magadha and the ruler of the universe. // The State on the Ancient East, M., 2004, 311-18.(in Russian) |
Arthashastra and Satavahana-Gupta times inscriptions
Lielukhine D. N. "State in the History of the Society.
To the Problem of State Criteria". M. 1998(first edition), M. 2001 (Second edition),
in Russian. Introduction. The concept of an ideal state in Kautilya's Arthashastra and a
problem of structure of the Ancient Indian State. p. 9-148 (In
russian - pdf with font embedded - in zip file - 1,9 Mb)
Lielukhine D. N. Term "adhyaksha" and its meaning in Indian textual tradition.
(Html In Russian. pdf; in english - html or pdf Paper read in J. Roerich Memorial
conference, 2001)
Lielukhine D. N. Inscription from Dudhpani. A problem of interpretation of Sanskrit
"political" terminology. ( On Russian html or pdf ; in english - html or pdf). Alaica, M.2004, 167-75.
Nepal inscriptions:
Lielukhine D. N. The Rise of the Licchavi kingdom in Nepal from the evidences of
“Gopalarajavamshavali” and inscriptions. Paper read in XXXVII ICANAS Congress, Moscow,
2004 ( In english - html or pdf .) Prepared with the funding of
RUSSIAN FOND OF HUMANITIES (http://www.rfhu.ru/), Pr. No. 04-01-00111a by D.N. Lielukhine,
Oriental Institute.
Lielukhine D. N. Socio-political structure of early society and state as it reflected in
Sanskrit inscriptions from Nepal. Html (Russian
and English text); pdf (Russian and English text) - in State in the Ancient East.
Moscow, 2004, 319-342
Lielukhine D. N. Koňňa in Early
Nepal inscriptions.Prepared with the funding of
RUSSIAN FOND OF HUMANITIES (http://www.rfhu.ru/), Pr. No. 04-01-00111a (In Russian.
In English) pdf (Russian and English text) (in printing)
Kadamba inscriptions
Lielukhine D. N. Texts of Political tradition and Early Kadamba inscriptions - html -( Russian and English text) or pdf (Russian and English text) (in printing)
Lielukhine D. N. Inscription of Ravivarman from Gudnapura (comm., translation and
research) . Oriental Epigraphy, vol. XXVI, Moscow, 2001 - HTML (in Russian) or pdf;
Vakataka Inscriptions
Lielukhine D. N. Structure of the Early Indian Land-Grants and the Problems of its
Interpretation. In: Oriental Studies in the 20-th century: Achievements and Rrospects,
vol.1, pp. 23-24 (abstract of paper, which I read on ICANAS in 1997) Html (in english) or pdf;
In: International conference "Pamyatniki duhovnoi, materialnoi i pismennoi kultury
drevnego i srednevekovogo Vostoka". M., 1995, pp.42-44 (html - abstract in russian or pdf)
Lielukhine D. N. Detailed research included in my book "State in
Ancient India" (on Russian). M. 1997. (Deponiered in INION). (Html In Russian. or pdf )
Partly it included in my part of "State in the History of the Society. To the Problem
of State Criteria". M. 1998(first edition), M. 2001 (Second edition), in Russian.
See also the TABLE of immunity
formulas in Vakataka inscriptions with comm.
Bagh kings' inscriptions
Lielukhine D. N. Hoard of the copper-plate grants from Bagh. Oriental Epigraphy, XXXV, M. 1998 In Russian (Html or pdf ) In English (Html or pdf)
Satavahana inscriptions
Lielukhine D. N. "Administrative" terminology in early epigraphy and evolution of Ancient Indian State Structure. Paper for XI Sanskrit conference, Torino, 2000. In english (Html) or (pdf)
Research of Arthashastra text.
Lielukhine D. N. "State in Ancient India" (on Russian). M. 1997. (Deponiered in
Lielukhine D. N. "State in the History of the Society. To the Problem of State
Criteria". M. 1998(first edition), M. 2001 (Second edition), in Russian
Lielukhine D. N. "State, administration and policy in Kautilya's
"Arthashastra". In Russian - Vestnik Drevney Istorii, 1992, No.2; In English -
Lielukhine D. N. Xth World Sanskrit Conference, Bangalore 1997 (abstract), full - in
"Indian Heritage", Calcutta, 1998; developped variant - in Lielukhine D. N.
Alternatives of Social Evolution, Vladivostok, 2000 (in Russian and in English)
Lielukhine D. N. The Ancient East: International and Diplomatic relations. With A.A.
Vigasin (part 5, India) M., 1987 (on Russian)
All materials on the site
© Oriental institute, 2000-2004
© Lielukhine D.N., 2000-2004